The Rubicon~In Between Exhibition is the culmination of the Rubicon
activities that took place throughout the year 2021. This exhibition
summarizes the process of developing the best project ideas and the
jury's selection from the cultural hackathon Kotaton, which took
place in July 2021. Responding to the sub-themes "redefine"
(collective identity), "reform" (environment and urban ecology), and
"reconnect" (social solidarity), seven collaborative groups aim to
offer and initiate dialogues on holistic solutions to current urban
issues in Bandung.
Featuring the collaborative processes of:
Aulia Yeru-Tegar Pratama-Zahid M
Atelier-Kapital Space-Ramaputratanta
Ardiansyah-Dian Nurdyana-Yaya Risbaya
Magentalangit-Bachrul Restu Bagja-Dikky Mochamad Dzulkarnaen-Michael
Chandra-Mochamad Andi Nurfauzi-Monica hapsari
Ngebon-Lokus Foundation-Maesa Ranggawati Kusnandar
Abdulqodir-Fariz Fadhillah-Nicolaus Aji
Fefia Suh-Khemal
Andrias-Rininta Isdyani-Ressa Ria
Rajab, Budi. (2014):
Kajian Tentang Pembentukan dan Dinamika Kelas Kreatif di Kota
Bandung. (Disertasi Doktoral, Universitas Padjajaran, 2014)
Artworks © The Artists and Contributors. All contents © Yayasan Rodha Among Karsa (Rakarsa). Developed by Gustar Brata.