Ayu Kobelita ‘Sisa Sakit Semalam’/Kevin Aditya ’Bapak Disepak Preman’ exhibition exchange

  • December 2022
  • The Hallway Space
  • Ayu Kobelita
  • Kevin Aditya

In collaboration with Jurnal Karbon (Jakarta), we initiated an exhibition exchange where we selected an artist to brainstorm with Jurnal Karbon and otherwise. From Bandung we selected Kevin Aditya, and Jurnal Karbon promoted Ayu Kobelita for us. Ayu Kobelita’s ‘Sisa Sakit Semalam’ presented a labyrinth of psychological journey by turning unoccupied spaces in The Hallway Space into rooms of reflection and self-expression. Kevin Aditya’s ‘Bapak Disepak Preman’ in Ruru Gallery, Jakarta, unfolded his commentary on Indonesian government apparatus’ sense of justice.
Funded by Dana Indonesiana.

Supported by The Hallway Space.

Artworks © The Artists and Contributors. All contents © Yayasan Rodha Among Karsa (Rakarsa). Developed by Gustar Brata.